Pay Per Click advertising allows you to pay to have potential clients view your website sooner than they otherwise would. It sounds simple but in reality it is a complex method of advertising that requires a solid understanding of entire process. When done right Pay Per Click Advertising can be a valuable tool for your business however, done wrong can be very costly. The set up of the ad is all based off your keywords. This is the most important step. Pick the right keywords and your customers will always find you. Pick the wrong ones and you’ll have people clicking on your site who aren’t really looking for your services. This not only costs you money directly but it could also cost you in your organic ranking on Google due to the bounce rate of a client quickly leaving after realizing they are on the wrong page for their needs. At iLeads we have the tools as well as the skills to know how your potential clients will search for the services or products that you offer so that you can maximize your return on investment.
There are several potential paid advertising venues that we will explore for you. This could be Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or they could be more locally focused advertising platforms. Our strategy will vary based on research we will conduct for your business and your area in order to get you the most new customers. Depending on your business we will suggest the best ad platform or combination of ad platforms in your price point.
Once your new ads are running we’ll start to track them to see how they are preforming. If there’s any room for improvement we’ll make any necessary adjustments in order to optimize the performance.
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Step 1: Conduct research into business and location
Step 2: Selection of key words
Step 3: Choosing the platforms
Step 4: Creating the ad
Step 5: Ad tracking and optimization